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ACMS March of the Microbee - 19th March 2022 - Printable Version

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RE: ACMS March of the Microbee - 19th March 2022 - MbeeTech - 24-03-2022

Hi All.

March of the Microbee hosted by the ACMS and Microbee Technology was very successful.

Friday night the 18th was a Official presentation for the patrons of the ACMS with a talk about the history of Microbee, our current and upcoming
products etc.  Friday night was also an ideal time for a get together for ex-microbee staff and it was great to have them along, including 
Owen Hill, Raymond Han, Monte Chan, Craig Southeren, Gerard Hill and [on Saturday] Gordon Rowell.

Also, as seen in the above posts, Alan (Chickenman) played an integral part in the 'March of the Microbee' event, having driven up with a car load 
of Microbees to have on display.  

There were 2 sessions of Q&A on the Saturday.  The morning session was started with a brief walk through of the Microbee Technology Machines on display :
The Classic-Plus, 256TC-SE, the new keyboard for the 256TC-Plus and concept product - AMD Ryzen G based PC in the 256TC / Delta case with the new keyboard.
This can be seen on the far right in the photos. 
It was a pleasure to have Owen Hill & Craig Southeren (along with myself) on the Q & A panel for the morning session, with lots of great questions fired at us all.

The afternoon session included Monte Chan & Alan (Chickenman) and myself for the Q & A panel, with Alan also doing an informative talk on how he manages archiving tapes,
disks, and magzines / technical manuals etc. 

All three sessions ( Friday night's presentation, and the two Q & A sessions) were recorded and the ACMS will be making them available for general viewing in a couple of weeks
after ACMS (paid) members get to have a look at them.  Note that the recordings of the 2 sessions on Saturday are from the live streams and the quality is not that great.

I'd like to thank everyone involved : My lovely wife Julie for her help & support, the ACMS (Adrian, Riley, Murray & Joe), Chickenman,  Monte, Owen, & Craig and everyone that attended in person or via
the live streams.  It was great to be able to bring Microbee back to NSW for the first time in many many years.

Here are a few photos :





RE: ACMS March of the Microbee - 19th March 2022 - ChickenMan - 29-03-2022

A great video from Mr Lurch and mostly of Owen Hill talking about the early days of Microbee and how it all started.