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Access issue - Printable Version

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Access issue - Robert - 29-07-2021

The thread https://microbeetechnology.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=356
in the new repository section has issues. There's a couple of attached jpg which I'm not allowed to view (it says I'm not logged in).

Also, it is not possible to respond to the thread, so I had to make a new one.

Can someone fix the permissions?

EDIT: fixed the above link

RE: Access issue - ChickenMan - 29-07-2021

The Repository Additions section is not open for comments to keep it clean and about new additions only.  Exactly the same at another Microbee forum Smile and many other forums.

The 2 pics in that particular thread were tiny pics and thats their actual size, I assume you can see them ?

I just logged out and had a look at the thread and yes, the pics dont show up, just their names. Will see if that can be resolved.

RE: Access issue - ChickenMan - 29-07-2021

Made some changes, so now check it out Smile

RE: Access issue - Robert - 29-07-2021

No difference, just the names.

Discussion Forum for all things Microbee
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.

You are currently logged in with the username: 'Robert'

I decided to compare with another thread about Dataflex 2.0 by checking the source files. With that one I can see the images, however clicking on any of them still gives the same error as above. I'll paste the relevant code here, but the forum might distort it -we'll see.

Dataflex 2.0

<!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=266" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=266" class="attachment" alt="" title="Filename: dataflex.png Size: 7.6 KB 2021-07-23, 09:54" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail --><br />

TRS80 tapes

<!-- start: postbit_attachments_attachment -->
<br /><!-- start: attachment_icon -->
<img src="https://microbeetechnology.com.au/forum/images/attachtypes/image.png" title="JPG Image" border="0" alt=".jpg" />
<!-- end: attachment_icon -->&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="attachment.php?aid=267" target="_blank" title="Yesterday, 10:50">trs80_tape.jpg</a> (Size: 120.6 KB / Downloads: 2)
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_attachment --><br />

As you can see, the code is entirely different.

RE: Access issue - ChickenMan - 29-07-2021

From that above it appears they have gone in as Thumbnails for some reason, maybe because the images were small sized to start with. I completely removed the Post and redid it and appears to be exactly the same as it was before. But if I'm logged or or not, I can right click the image and Save Image. Maybe you need to refresh your page.

RE: Access issue - Robert - 30-07-2021

After trying many more things, it seems it is simply not possible to fix it.

Tried rebooting. Tried getting a new IP address. Tried creating a new account (which was a hassle in itself).
Tried the various skins (themes). Tried various options in my User CP. Nothing worked.

However, if I log out, suddenly the images are visible, and clicking on them produces the expected result.
So, it must be some sort of permissions issue, but nobody knows what.

I wonder how many other people have this problem.