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Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - Printable Version

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Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - ChickenMan - 16-06-2023

I recently purchased a heap of Microbee documentation and software from WA.  It was pickup only, so a big thanks to our member Ernest for picking it all up for me, boxing it and organised for it to be sent via Pack&Send.  There were 3 boxes totaling 60kg, picked up last Friday and delivered Tuesday to Microbee Technology in Mooralbark Vic with Monday being Kings birthday public holiday.  Now thats quick !  I picked it all up today and slowly sorting through it.

The first box opened and 2 more to go.


So expect to see a heap of new Microbee docs and software come available over the next few weeks once its been scanned, imaged or recorded (yes there were a few tapes also).

RE: Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - elpiggio - 29-06-2023

Wow, that's quite a haul !!! Let us know if we can chip in for some of the expenses as we will ultimately benefit when they are put online.

Maybe there needs to be a Patreon or something.

RE: Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - someone - 29-06-2023

Composer Bee II seems like a new addition to the repository.

RE: Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - ChickenMan - 29-06-2023

There a LOT of new additions and is going to take me weeks or even months to scan, image and record it all. 90% of it is not currently in the Repository and some will update current files as well.

I think I need to sell a Microbee to pay for it all Smile

RE: Recent Microbee Docs and Software purchase - langra - 04-07-2023

What a great haul CM.

I'm happy to chip in as well.