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Microbee Simply Write ver 1.01 Disk and label - Printable Version

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Microbee Simply Write ver 1.01 Disk and label - ChickenMan - 01-07-2024

Thanks to jeremybh1 for making this disk available to be imaged. It was a standard SS80 3.5" Microbee disk that was auto booting with no copy protection and imaged 100% error free.

We have Simply Write version 1.00 and some ver 2 & 3 disks already in the Repository, this one just fills a missing gap of the various versions. From the manual, which we have in the Repository also -

Simply Write was designed as a powerful, yet
easy to learn, word processor for the Microbee
Premium computers. The menu system makes the
learning of complex command strings unnecessary, as
all commands have names which describe their
function. As you become more proficient, the menu
system allows easy choosing of functions, often
resulting in less keystrokes than other "keystroke-
efficient" word processors. We hope that you find
Simply Write capable of high quality, easy word
processing, incorporating all the features which
most people commonly use.


This version is for the Premium 128k and Overdrive 128k Microbee's only, preferably with a colour monitor, with the later versions designed for both the Premiums and the 256TC. To start a file, the Menu indicates you press F2, but the Premiums have no function keys, so use CTRL 2 instead. This version can run on a 256TC if you update the boot track or use in B: drive, but you still need to use CTRL 2 rather than the Function keys. Does not work on a Premium 64k (CIAB) Microbee.

So in the MbeeTech Repository in the Microbee\Software\Applications\Wordprocessors folder we placed


simply_write_v1.01.jpg <-- in the Microbee\Documentation\Pictures\Disks\3.5_inch folder