20-05-2022, 04:41 PM
Are you changing anything on the motherboard between swapping in the ROM coreboard and the DRAM coreboard?
There are track cuts and links to be done. The Baseboard in a ROM bee situation generates a signal when memory is accessed at F000h->FFFFh
but when set up for a DRAM based bee, the DRAM coreboard generates this (because of the bank switching arrangement for DRAM banks and switching
video ram in and out.
Have a look at the Hardware notebook and see the notes on upgrading to a Computer in a Book from a ROM based bee.
There are track cuts and links to be done. The Baseboard in a ROM bee situation generates a signal when memory is accessed at F000h->FFFFh
but when set up for a DRAM based bee, the DRAM coreboard generates this (because of the bank switching arrangement for DRAM banks and switching
video ram in and out.
Have a look at the Hardware notebook and see the notes on upgrading to a Computer in a Book from a ROM based bee.