24-10-2022, 09:52 PM
Thanks to GeorgeK for providing quality scans of this manual, scanned at 600pdi. A5 in size and 172 pages long.
Written by Edwin Paay and published by Micro-80 in 1982. From the manual -
intended for users of TRS-80 Model 1 and 3 and
SYSTEM 80/VIDEO GENIE/PMC-80 microcomputers who are
interested in writing machine language programs, at
whatever level of experience. It will enable the
novice machine language programmer to quickly and
simply make his machine perform useful functions in
machine language, and to successfully debug his or her
programs using the flexible DBUG program included in
this package. On the other hand, the experienced
machine language programmer who uses this package will
find he is writing shorter, more elegant programs to
achieve the desired result.
So in the Vintage Repository in the System-80\Manuals folder we placed
Written by Edwin Paay and published by Micro-80 in 1982. From the manual -
intended for users of TRS-80 Model 1 and 3 and
SYSTEM 80/VIDEO GENIE/PMC-80 microcomputers who are
interested in writing machine language programs, at
whatever level of experience. It will enable the
novice machine language programmer to quickly and
simply make his machine perform useful functions in
machine language, and to successfully debug his or her
programs using the flexible DBUG program included in
this package. On the other hand, the experienced
machine language programmer who uses this package will
find he is writing shorter, more elegant programs to
achieve the desired result.
*** PART ONE ***
Introduction .................................... 5
Arithmetic ...................................... 8
Table 1 - Organization of ACC and AACC........... 9
Table 2 - Arithmetic routines.................... 11
Table 3 - Arithmetic functions................... 12
Data movement . . . ............................. 14
Table 4 - Data movement ......................... 15
COMPARE and TEST routines........................ 17
Table 5 - Compare and test routines.............. 19
DATA CONVERSION routines ........................ 21
Table 6 - Conversion logic....................... 22
INPUT routines .................................. 24
Table 7 - Character input routines .............. 25
Table 8 - String input routines.................. 26
OUTPUT routines ................................. 27
Table 9 - Single byte output • . ................ 28
Table 10- String output routine.................. 29
Demonstration program - Input, output & arithmetic 31
Tape I/O Routines ............................... 32
Demonstration Tape I/O routine .................. 33
Table 11 - Tape I/O and control.................. 34
Variable Organization and locating routines...... 36
Table 12 - Special purpose routines ............. 38
Variable organization............................ 39
Error routines .................................. 40
Table 13 - Error routine entry points............ 41
Video control ................................... 42
Table 14 - Video control routines ............... 43
Graphics......................................... 44
Keyboard matrix ................................. 47
DOS link addresses............................... 50
Intercept addresses ............................. 52
Miscellaneous, Table 15 ......................... 54
Data and tape formats............................ 59
BASIC program & tape format...................... 59
SYSTEM tape format............................... 61
EDTASM source file format ....................... 62
Data format for files created with "PRINT #” .... 63
Addresses used by EDTASM......................... 64
Initializing machine language routines .......... 65
Using machine language programs on disk systems . 66
PORT 255 ........................................ 67
The Model 3 I/O byte 4210H . .................... 68
Model 3 Port usage............................... 70
The System 80, Video Genie, PMC-80 .............. 74
**** PART 2 ****
Level II ROM routines in numerical order ........ 76
Reserved RAM and Device addresses (Model 1) .... 106
Reserved RAM addresses common to Model 1 & 3 ... 107
Model 3 extra ROM addresses..................... 116
Model 3 extra RAM addresses......................117
Appendix 1 - Conversion table .................. 119
Appendix 2 - Demonstration program 1 ........... 127
Appendix 3 - Demonstration program 2............ 131
**** PART 3 ****
Operating instructions for DBUG program ........ D-l
So in the Vintage Repository in the System-80\Manuals folder we placed