19-07-2022, 02:12 PM
This single page brochure was extracted from one of Max Burnet's photos that had been recently found and scanned. See abc_collectors_ep14_2010.mp4 in the Public/Videos folder for more about Max Burnet, where he also briefly mentions the Microbee amongst his vast vintage computer collection.
The original photo had the brochure in front of a Microbee Series 2 Personal Communicator.
The brochure was clipped out, de-skewed, part missing text at the bottom added and lines straightened, etc, etc. Final result is very good.
So in the MbeeTech Repository in the Microbee/Documentation/Brochures folder we placed
The original photo had the brochure in front of a Microbee Series 2 Personal Communicator.
The brochure was clipped out, de-skewed, part missing text at the bottom added and lines straightened, etc, etc. Final result is very good.
So in the MbeeTech Repository in the Microbee/Documentation/Brochures folder we placed