21-08-2022, 12:18 PM
Thanks to Jongleur via archive.org for making scans of this manual available. A quality 600pdi scan, A4 in size and now 162 pages long.
The Bushrangers Database is a closed database intended for use
in upper primary schools, secondary schools and libraries. It can be
used by individual students or small groups or as a research tool by
The worksheets and activity sheets vary in their level of
difficulty. They are designed to help the user understand how the
database can be used, to demonstrate the power and scope of the
package, to encourage problem solving and to guide those teachers
who wish to design their own material.
Our existing copy of this manual (see original release March 2020 - https://microbeetechnology.com.au/forum/thread-104.html ) was missing a few pages in the Addendum sections, this edition is now complete. The front & back pages are now coloured, as well as the start page of each section. The Worksheet & Appendix sections were printed single sided while the rest was double sided. So to allow the manual to be printed as per original, the blank pages from those two sections were included, this allows printing to produce the same layout as the original. The Registration form is also attached at the end of the Manual.
We still do not have the Microbee software for this, can anyone help to solve that ?
So in the MbeeTech repository in the new Microbee\Documentation\Manuals\Education folder we re-placed
The Bushrangers Database is a closed database intended for use
in upper primary schools, secondary schools and libraries. It can be
used by individual students or small groups or as a research tool by
The worksheets and activity sheets vary in their level of
difficulty. They are designed to help the user understand how the
database can be used, to demonstrate the power and scope of the
package, to encourage problem solving and to guide those teachers
who wish to design their own material.
Our existing copy of this manual (see original release March 2020 - https://microbeetechnology.com.au/forum/thread-104.html ) was missing a few pages in the Addendum sections, this edition is now complete. The front & back pages are now coloured, as well as the start page of each section. The Worksheet & Appendix sections were printed single sided while the rest was double sided. So to allow the manual to be printed as per original, the blank pages from those two sections were included, this allows printing to produce the same layout as the original. The Registration form is also attached at the end of the Manual.
We still do not have the Microbee software for this, can anyone help to solve that ?
So in the MbeeTech repository in the new Microbee\Documentation\Manuals\Education folder we re-placed