26-03-2024, 05:52 PM
The D7541 and AB roms are the 2 Basic roms, they need to be there to run any games or other programs. When you turn the 'bee on it auto boots to Basic to a Ready prompt. Your only have the one spare 8k rom (the Wordbee rom) in this VERY early Microbee model. I just read the crystal on the main board (below the Wordbee rom) and its 12.00 so this runs at 2mhz (as did the first Kit 'bee) which was soon increased to 3.375mhz. So if you put the Microspace Invaders rom in there, it will run painfully slow. Personally I'd sell it and put the money to purchasing or keep the case and put the Microbee Tech new Microbee in it when it comes out soon. See https://microbeetechnology.com.au/classi...mputer.htm
My CF coreboard is in my Premium 128k 'bee but could go in a std 128k 'bee. Yes it has a special BOOT rom that simulates a Hard Drive on the CF card. Would not work in your bee
My CF coreboard is in my Premium 128k 'bee but could go in a std 128k 'bee. Yes it has a special BOOT rom that simulates a Hard Drive on the CF card. Would not work in your bee
