¦^˝©QI4EUí Atari Video Cable with 13pin DIN and DB9 to suit VGA Video Converter - Microbee Technology - The home of the Microbee computer - Online Store

Product Details

Atari 520ST/1040ST Video cable to suit VGA Video converter


Product Description

* Fully wired - not a kit *

Video Cable for the Atari 520/1040ST to suit the Microbee VGA Video Converter.

This cable is wired for low & medium resolution colour output via the 13pin DIN connector on the Atari 520 / 1040STx computers and has a DB9 connector

on the other end to suit the VGA Video Converter.  Fully wired with no assembly or soldering required. 


Manufacturer: Microbee Technology Pty Ltd

This product is currently out of stock


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