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Product Details

Premium to Premium Plus Upgrade


Product Description

Microbee 'Premium' to 'Premium Plus' upgrade

Our Limited Edition Microbee Premium Plus computers were quickly sold out when first released back in 2012.  They are still highly sought after.

Although we will not be manufacturing any more of the Premium Plus kit, you can now upgrade an original Microbee Premium Series computer to the Premium Plus.

This upgrade will only be carried out by Microbee Technology - that is, you will have to send in your working Premium Microbee to us & we will upgrade it.  We will fit the new coreboard and do all the neccesary changes to the main board to complete the upgrade.  We also provide an SDcard loaded with disk images for normal Z80 Microbee mode and uClinux.  

Our original Premium Plus webpage (in PDF format) can be downloaded  

Please note, if you have a non-functional Microbee Premium. we can repair it prior to upgrade under regular service terms.


Here are the specifications :

Dual Microprocessors  - * Z80 microprocessor @ 3.375Mhz     * Coldfire V2 (MCF52259) @ 80Mhz^
2 Mb Ram (1Mb shared space, 1Mb exclusive to the Coldfire processor ) 
32k PCG Ram, 2K Color Ram, 2K Attribute ram, 4K font rom
Second serial port for up to 115k baud^,
Physical Floppy disk interface supporting up to 2 external floppy drives (option)^,
SD Card interface for file storage, with Floppy Disk emulation in ‘Z80’ mode 
status indicator LED for SD activity^.
Ethernet Network port (10/100) including status indicator LEDs for Link Valid & Speed^. 
Full, new release Microbee Shell / CCP / INIT / TRANSFER / BACKUP software.
Built in software : 
Disk boot prom, Self Test, Machine Langauge Monitor.          
Other software on SDcard : uCLinux,                                        
Z80 mode Microbee Shell etc.     

 ^ indicates functionality / feature is part of the new coreboard design.



Product Code: MB-PP_UG

Manufacturer: Microbee Technology Pty Ltd

Stock Level: 1


'Microbee' and the Bee Logo device are registered trade marks.  All content (c) 2011-2025 Microbee technology Pty Ltd. ACN 151 027 299

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