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Product Details

PS2 Keyboard Adapter Kit


Product Description

It has been a common problem with older Microbee computers that keys on the keyboard become non-functional. With no supply of original switches, people have to resort to removing them, taking them apart & attempting repairs with varying levels of success.

Microbee Technology has designed an adapter to let you connect a PS/2 keyboard to your Microbee. 

The adapter works seamlessly with your Microbee, requiring no special software or drivers etc. In fact, the Microbee's software knows no difference between key strokes coming from the external keyboard, and the inbuilt one, and both can be used at the same time.

The small board fits to the back of the Microbee's baseboard, piggy-backing onto the screen controller chip's socket to attach to most of the required signals. Additionally, there is one track cut & 2 wire links to complete the install.

The adapter provides power to the PS/2 keyboard and has a flying lead PS/2 socket that allows plugging in of the keyboard.

Assembled PS/2 Adapter PCB
Wire Wrap Wire
Tinned copper wire
PS/2 extension cable

Download Instructions here


Product Code: PS2KBAdapter-KIT

Manufacturer: Microbee Technology Pty Ltd

This product is currently out of stock


'Microbee' and the Bee Logo device are registered trade marks.  All content (c) 2011-2025 Microbee technology Pty Ltd. ACN 151 027 299

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