14-07-2020, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 14-07-2020, 11:37 PM by Crud3.)
Ok... Just cleaned up and checked the SBC-01 dual disk unit! No problems with the PSU and also surprisingly clean!
Got my period accurate Zenith monochrome green phosfor monitor from the basement and it is remarkably well suited to the Microbee!
This got rid of the noise from the cheap Composite to HDMI converter and presented a nice and clear picture!
Now to creating a floppy... I downloaded the Swedish boot disk for the 128K Microbee and will try to make a physical copy of it!
Also just a few of the keys either take a heavy press to register or are not registering at all so I guess some keyboard renovation will be in order...
Stay tuned!
Of course no vintage "floppy-writing" PC is good enough... My setup runs MS-DOS 6.22/Windows 98 so is a no-go with uBeeDisk which needs Windows 2000 or XP!
Is there a nice and easy way to convert Microbee .DSK images to either .IMD or .TD0 format so I can write them with Imagedisk or Teledisk?
If not I have to build a Windows 2000 or XP machine as well!
Ok... so I convert the .DSK to .IMD using uBeedisk on my Windows 10 PC and then move the .IMD over to my Windows 98 PC using a USB-drive and then write the image to physical floppy via Imagedisk!
Seems straightforward enough! Will try that as soon as possible!
So how did the writting to disk go ? You really need to be using a 360kb floppy drive to write out the 40 tracks rather than a double stepping 80 track 1.2mb drive.
18-07-2020, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 18-07-2020, 05:12 PM by Crud3.)
Well I managed to convert the Swedish boot disk image from .DSK to .IMD and write it on a single density double sided disk in my 360K floppy drive! So that part seemed to go well!
However when I insert the diskette in the leftmost diskdrive and start the Microbee up it turns on the LED and spins the disk but nothing happens!
So I have dismantled the disk unit again to go through the diskdrives and clean them up... as well as checking the drivebelts and lubricate the guiderails for the heads a bit!
Possibly also switch the two drive units out and set the rightmost drive as S0 and the other as S1 and try that instead!
If the drives have problems (or not), then a good alternative is to use a Gotek with FlashFloppy firmware, there is an updated guide on how to set one up for the Microbee is in the Repository. Just load the Gotek with what ever disk image you want, select and boot. Gotek as A: drive with a real floppy as B: is a common working solution.
24-07-2020, 01:02 PM (This post was last modified: 24-07-2020, 01:05 PM by someone.)
(14-07-2020, 02:40 AM)Crud3 Wrote: Ok that is good to know!
I tried getting to the Monitor by holding M and pressing Reset but nothing happens...
Makes me wonder if this is the keyswitches acting up or something else! Are there any other shortcut keys that I could try?
Otherwise I will check the PSU in the disk unit and try to write a boot disk to get somewhere were I can test the keyboard!
Why not start with these elementary steps.
Power off the microbee, then using ESD precautions remove the FDC IC from the top board and then power up again.
Depending upon the installed ROM, the cursor at the top left hand corner should suddenly show an 'N' inside or jump straight to the monitor it if it is still working
Also it is a good idea to keep an eye on the tantalum capacitors. Due to their age they may spontaneously go BANG! or go on fire or both.
Also, be aware that big orange capacitor of the base board will also have lost a fair bit of its capacitance.
What do you have in the way of desoldering equipment?
Once you've sorted out how to your desoldering equipment, the first keys to repair or simulate are the RESET, M, ENTER and ESC keys.
Also you video output shows signs of electrical interference caused by the microbee itself.
You'll probably have to address it once all of the basic functionality has been restored.
Thanks @someone!
The video interference issues was resolved by using a proper monitor instead of the crappy chinese composite to HDMI adapter i had access to! So getting into the Monitor now!
The computer is in great shape except for the keys... so i am currently setting up my soldering station and desoldering gun to get started on the keyboard renovation soon!
Next up on the menu is checking the diskdrives and see how they are feeling... and most likely replacing one of the drives in the CS-01 with a FlashFloppy Gotek!