31-03-2023, 01:56 PM
Thanks to grahaml who tirelessly imaged 500+ 8" disks that he acquired with a Pulsar LBB system, all imaging with a Greaseweazle. Approx 1/3rd had major errors, another 1/3 were not Pulsar disks with the rest a mixture of Pulsar CP/M 2.2 and Pulsar TurboDOS disks. The CP/M disks have been released already, these are the TurboDOS disks. The other disks were in standard IBM single sided, VesaFloppy, JADE DD both single and double sided, Positronics or a few unknown formats which Graham will release to archive.org.
There were 32 TurboDOS disks recovered and were supplied in HFE format. These are included here to allow them to be written back to a 8" disk or to a 5.25" 77/80 track drive with a Greaseweazle. The HFE files were converted with the latest HxCFloppyEmulator to a IMG (raw sector file format) image. The disks structure had little resemblence to the CP/M disk, so a new CPMTools (NOT for the modified/patched CPMTools) diskdef entry to extract/add files was written for these 8" IMG images. Add this to your un-patched CPMTools diskdef file if you wish to extract/add files or just get a directory of a IMG file -
# Pulsar LBB - TurboDOS 8" DS DD 77Tr (8" DS DD 77Tr 9 s/t 1024b/s )
diskdef lbb_77turbo
seclen 1024
tracks 154
sectrk 18
heads 2
blocksize 2048
maxdir 256
skew 0
datarate DD
boottrk 1
os 2.2
So all the files were extracted from each disk, zipped and attached here also. Use this in cpmtools to get a list of files in the disk IMG image -
cpmls -F -f lbb_77turbo -T raw filename.img
He also provided a very detailed Excel Index file of all the disks, this I cut down for only Pulsar TurboDOS disks and it includes a directory of each disks file contents. Too big to post but attached here, so read one of the Pulsar_TurboDOS_Index files for a directory of the files on each disk image. Many disk contain no files in User 0 but are in other User areas and some disks contain only one small data file as well. TurboDOS v1.3 is for 8 bit systems while v1.43 is for 16bit systems. Pulsar TurboDOS Manuals will follow when scanned. The disk labels indicates some of the contents of each disk -
Number -- Pulsar TURBODos disk title
009 V1.3 1024B/Sec B&C Microsystems PROM Burner Development
011 V1.3 VT-102 9600,8,N,1 Suspect? Master Source Disk Update 3 (13/12/84) Single User System Only
100 V1.3 Super Six/Advanced Digital Turbo-DOS V1.22P Driver Sources
150 Boot Up PE TurboDOS 1.3MByte 1024 Byte ID.COM
154 PE TurboDOS 1.3 MByte 1024 Byte CB80 Cut Version
256 V1.3 Master Sources Update (1) Config: Single User No RAM Card, ADDS-1, 8DAT, NPAR
257 V1.3 Master Configuration Sys 14 Config V24 (Single User)
258 V1.3 Single User Networked System 1x6204, 1x Slave 9600Bd, 8D, 1S, No Par No Hard disk
259 1.3 Bootable System Disk (9 slaves, 21M Hard Disk)
260 V1.30 0A: 8 Bit Wordsar 1A: 16 Bit Wordstar 2C: + 3C:
286 V1.43 Single User Boot Disc
287 16 Bit Single User Distribution Disk
288 Z80B Single User Distribution Disk
289 V1.43 Disk 1 31B: User-ID Files 0B: System Area 16 bit (Bootable)
290 V1.43 Disk 2 0B: System Area 16 Bit
291 V1.43 Disk 3 0C: System Area 8 Bit
292 V1.43 Disk 4 1B: Atom System
293 V1.43 Disk 5 1B: Atom System
294 V1.43 Disk 6 1C: ACTRAN.BIC
295 V1.43 Disk 7 1C: ACTRAN.BIL
296 V1.43 Disk 8 1C: ARES.RES
297 V1.43 Disk 9 1C: ARES.RES
298 V1.43 Disk 10 1C:ASALE.SAC
299 V1.43 Disk 11 1C:ASACE.SAC
300 V1.43 Disk 10 1C: Data (Atom) 4C: Multiplan
444 V1.43 Master Configuration 16 Bit Distribution Master Update (1)
448 V1.43 (16/3/88) Disk 1 of 2 Dump of 1B: Atom Files
449 V1.43 (16/3/88) Disk 2 of 2 Dump of 1B: Atom Files
450 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of OC: Z80 System Disk 1 of 1
451 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of 4C: Multiplan Disk 1 of 1
452 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of 0C (All files) 1 of 1
So in the Vintage Repository in the Pulsar\Disks\TurboDOS_8inch folder we placed
The above 32 disk numbers in HFE and extracted Files in ZIP files as -
There were 32 TurboDOS disks recovered and were supplied in HFE format. These are included here to allow them to be written back to a 8" disk or to a 5.25" 77/80 track drive with a Greaseweazle. The HFE files were converted with the latest HxCFloppyEmulator to a IMG (raw sector file format) image. The disks structure had little resemblence to the CP/M disk, so a new CPMTools (NOT for the modified/patched CPMTools) diskdef entry to extract/add files was written for these 8" IMG images. Add this to your un-patched CPMTools diskdef file if you wish to extract/add files or just get a directory of a IMG file -
# Pulsar LBB - TurboDOS 8" DS DD 77Tr (8" DS DD 77Tr 9 s/t 1024b/s )
diskdef lbb_77turbo
seclen 1024
tracks 154
sectrk 18
heads 2
blocksize 2048
maxdir 256
skew 0
datarate DD
boottrk 1
os 2.2
So all the files were extracted from each disk, zipped and attached here also. Use this in cpmtools to get a list of files in the disk IMG image -
cpmls -F -f lbb_77turbo -T raw filename.img
He also provided a very detailed Excel Index file of all the disks, this I cut down for only Pulsar TurboDOS disks and it includes a directory of each disks file contents. Too big to post but attached here, so read one of the Pulsar_TurboDOS_Index files for a directory of the files on each disk image. Many disk contain no files in User 0 but are in other User areas and some disks contain only one small data file as well. TurboDOS v1.3 is for 8 bit systems while v1.43 is for 16bit systems. Pulsar TurboDOS Manuals will follow when scanned. The disk labels indicates some of the contents of each disk -
Number -- Pulsar TURBODos disk title
009 V1.3 1024B/Sec B&C Microsystems PROM Burner Development
011 V1.3 VT-102 9600,8,N,1 Suspect? Master Source Disk Update 3 (13/12/84) Single User System Only
100 V1.3 Super Six/Advanced Digital Turbo-DOS V1.22P Driver Sources
150 Boot Up PE TurboDOS 1.3MByte 1024 Byte ID.COM
154 PE TurboDOS 1.3 MByte 1024 Byte CB80 Cut Version
256 V1.3 Master Sources Update (1) Config: Single User No RAM Card, ADDS-1, 8DAT, NPAR
257 V1.3 Master Configuration Sys 14 Config V24 (Single User)
258 V1.3 Single User Networked System 1x6204, 1x Slave 9600Bd, 8D, 1S, No Par No Hard disk
259 1.3 Bootable System Disk (9 slaves, 21M Hard Disk)
260 V1.30 0A: 8 Bit Wordsar 1A: 16 Bit Wordstar 2C: + 3C:
286 V1.43 Single User Boot Disc
287 16 Bit Single User Distribution Disk
288 Z80B Single User Distribution Disk
289 V1.43 Disk 1 31B: User-ID Files 0B: System Area 16 bit (Bootable)
290 V1.43 Disk 2 0B: System Area 16 Bit
291 V1.43 Disk 3 0C: System Area 8 Bit
292 V1.43 Disk 4 1B: Atom System
293 V1.43 Disk 5 1B: Atom System
294 V1.43 Disk 6 1C: ACTRAN.BIC
295 V1.43 Disk 7 1C: ACTRAN.BIL
296 V1.43 Disk 8 1C: ARES.RES
297 V1.43 Disk 9 1C: ARES.RES
298 V1.43 Disk 10 1C:ASALE.SAC
299 V1.43 Disk 11 1C:ASACE.SAC
300 V1.43 Disk 10 1C: Data (Atom) 4C: Multiplan
444 V1.43 Master Configuration 16 Bit Distribution Master Update (1)
448 V1.43 (16/3/88) Disk 1 of 2 Dump of 1B: Atom Files
449 V1.43 (16/3/88) Disk 2 of 2 Dump of 1B: Atom Files
450 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of OC: Z80 System Disk 1 of 1
451 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of 4C: Multiplan Disk 1 of 1
452 V1.43 (16/3/88) Dump of 0C (All files) 1 of 1
So in the Vintage Repository in the Pulsar\Disks\TurboDOS_8inch folder we placed
The above 32 disk numbers in HFE and extracted Files in ZIP files as -